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Drinking cranberry juice to prevent urinary tract infections was once considered an old wives’ tale. But recent research supports this folk wisdom. Both a liquid concentrate (Urology, online April 15, 2010) and a standardized powder (BMC Infectious Diseases, April 14, 2010) have shown effectiveness in preliminary research.

Sometimes the cause could be constantly eating a food which you are allergic to

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Frequent urges to urinate, accompanied by burning stinging pain during and especially at end of urination are the typical characteristics of a bladder infection. Dribbling urination is common and emptying the bladder will not always relieve the urge. The onset of infection can be slow or sudden, and cramping pains intensify the suffering. The infection can also be mild, with symptoms of bladder irritation while urinating without the accompanying pain. Since kidney infections can result from untreated bladder infections, seek professional care if the pain is severe or if the infection does not react to treatment. Other signs to be treated seriously are fever, lower back pain or blood in the urine. Recurring bladder inflammations without the presence of an infection are called interstitial inflammations because the pain and swelling occur between the tissues and not on the bladder walls, as most infections do. This type of inflammation is particularly frustrating to diagnose and treat since lab tests return negative results, as there are no bacteria present and antibiotics do not help. The symptoms of this type of inflammation are the same as for other bladder infections, but the process tends to be chronic and recurring.

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection

Pain when urinating

Changes in frequency of urination and the appearance and smell of urine


Lower abdominal pain


Lower back pain or discomfort


Loss of appetite



Bladder infections result from bacteria that cause an inflammation of the bladders inner lining. In women, the urethra is short and close to the anus and vagina, so bacteria can enter the bladder easily. E Coli which is beneficial to the lower bowels but hazardous if it finds its way to the urinary organs, is the most common bacterial cause of bladder infection. Genital hygiene is crucial in women who are predisposed to, or suffer from recurrent bladder infections. Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition caused by inflammation of the space between the urinary bladder lining and the bladder muscle. The causes are varied but bacteria are generally not found in the bladders of chronic cystitis sufferers and antibiotics are therefore ineffective. In contrast the more common bladder infections are caused by bacteria originating in the large bowel.


For patients with a bladder infection, cranberry juice is high in vitamin C and very effective against bacterial infection. Pure cranberry juice without added sweetener can be found in health food stores. Components in cranberry juice inhibits the ability of bacteria to adhere to the mucus membrane of the bladder. Drink at least 10 glasses of fluids- fresh spring water, herbal teas and juices each day to keep the kidneys and bladder well flushed. Juices should be diluted. Carrot juice is good for flushing acid waste. Watermelon juice cleanses the kidneys.during acute stage of the infection, avoid salty, spicy foods as these irritate the bladder.

Nutritional Supplements;

Bladder infections are helped with large doses of vitamin C, which increases the acidity of urine, producing an environment unfavourable for bacteria. For an interstitial inflammation, avoid regular vitamin C because of its high acidity. Instead use calcium ascorbate, which is vitamin C buffered with calcium. It contains the immunity strengthening powers of vitamin C without the acidity. Garlic acts as natural antibacterial agent. Acidophilus cultures help prevent bladder infections related to candida and should be added to the diet whenever antibiotics are being taken. Green food supplements and drinks, especially dhlorella, spirulina and blue green algae support cell renewal.

Herbal Remedies.

Horsetail increases the excretion of urine by thirty percent and strengthens the elastic tissue of bladder walls.

For chronic bladder infection use Uva Ursi.

Lemon balm, stinging nettle and dandelion will help clear up the infection.


Choose one of the remedies below in the 6c strength, repeating hourly for three doses, then four times daily until symptoms disappear.

Cantharis is the first remedy to consider for a bladder infection when, despite the sudden, strong urging the urine dribbles accompanied by burning pains particularly at the end of urinating.

Use Apis if the pains are stinging and sharp worse from the least heat or touch. Cold often feels good.

Belladonna is indicated for a fierce infection that begins quickly, causing burning and urging even after passing urine. Typically, the bladder is extremely sensitive to any movement.

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